Friday, February 22, 2008

Out of the loop but still hanging on

To all of my readers I appreciate your prayers, your viewing, and interest in poetry. I'm having a few technical difficulties over here (this is war huh?)...but I am still managing to post quite frequently. If you read the 3 poems below they are the most recent poems that I have written. Please understand that my poems do not represent the views of the United States Army. Although, I fight for freedom of speech I am not quite allowed to excercise it as my civilian counterparts are. Life is pretty interesting these days over here in the desert. I am often vague in my talking about my experience but the poetry below speaks for itself. I hope you enjoy it and please stay posted. Much love,



soulasismusic said... name is Brandon Williams. I have been looking for you for YEARS now. We met at at barbecue at I think it was one of your relatives house out in Wayne about 13 years ago. I think i was 15 and you were 16. I remember that at that time you wanted to become a minister or was a minister in training. We became friends very quickly and used to talk all the time on the phone.....we talked about everything. Girls, life, girls....LOL!!!!! I see that you're married with a family now. I am also married. I really hope you remember me. It would be great to speak with you again after all these years. Peace and blessings to you sir.

-B. Williams

soulasismusic said... can reach me at

-B. Williams