Monday, January 21, 2008

In Memory of the King

In memory of one of the greatest heroes and iconic figures in American History; I am reserving this rare moment of passionate expression for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Here in Baghdad at one of the many Army Chapels across theater we (Soldier's) took time out to celebrate the honored legacy of Dr. King Jr. It was one of the most profound experiences I have had while being deployed. It began with a beautiful spiritual "Take My Hand" and I was deeply moved from the very start. We stood for the National Anthem, standing tall and stout with our fingers curled under and our feet at 45 degree angles, I was struck at attention.

Emotion struck me as the chilling, galvanizing, and piercing voice of resound echoed "I have a dream" as thoughts of a catalytic patriotism of red, white, and blue invaded my heart and soul I have realized the dream. Looking down at my chest I see what some refer to as "railroad tracks" the rank of Captain. I realize that someone had a dream that young African American men and women like me will one day serve along side people of all races to represent our country as servicemen and women. I know that much like the Soldiers that have died in Iraq for whatever cause we are here.

Men and women of African descent like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. died so that I may wear the uniform that wear and give and return salutes to men and women that may not have the same skin that I have. It is my prayer that we continue to make progress in our American culture. We have a responsibility to one another; Dr King stated that, "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness". I often times wonder what it will be like for my little interracial daughter. What life will she endure? I will make it my responsibility as long as I live to serve selflessly and to make every positive contribution to my immediate local American culture possible.


Tara said...

Very deep reflection Adrian.

Anonymous said...

Keep your eyes open because your taken life in right now, your writing with your eyes, so just remember, sight and experience creates perspective. Keep living life and be blessed, A Maaasssey!!!
D. Fox

Anonymous said...

You are King's dream realized in so many ways! You make us all proud. LOve you...Auntie Rina