Sunday, July 6, 2008


We have collided in the scope of things.

An array of colors and faces reflected in shards of broken glass

Picking up the pieces –

American pop culture tilts on axis,

Guerilla warfare in urban desert street jungles –

American boots march through the Province like bounty hunters.

Simultaneously bringing the peace and chasing out the bad guys.

Alqueda is swinging from light poles

Like monkeys?

Celebrating Iraqi-American democracy.

Stars, stripes, and illumination rockets blast KA-BOOM!

American show of force –

Palm groves shaken.

Breath taking –

As we ask ourselves is that incoming or outgoing?

Rockets that is.

You can tell by the whistle on the front side or the backside.

My country tis of thee

Sweet land of liberty!

We are colliding in the scope of democracy.

When the light shines at the end of the tunnel;

I see their free faces reminiscent of ours.


An array of colors in shards of broken glass.


Looking through the kaleidoscope of hope.

Hoping that we can deliver the peace.

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