I am a spectator to the ostensible American Warrior.
He is built like the vehicle he engages Muhalla’s in;
A Stryker!
Nineteen years old, with an admirable swagger
a “dip” the size of Texas fulfills his bottom lip.
Fast, quick, and sharp as a bed of nails.
Has no idea of his courage, oblivious to the politics.
“Who the hell is this Obama cat”!
Thinks he’s born to take it to the enemy.
At least his training makes him feel that way.
Sometimes over confident,
but that bumpy mysterious ride in a Stryker
to some unknown place in Baghdad keeps him in check.
Burdened down by his gear,
dressed like a tactical Christmas tree
decorated with ornaments of body armor.
His Wiley X goggles fog from the heart pound,
nervous, and abnormal breathing pattern
in which only a Soldier that’s been on “a mission” can describe.
Some call it adrenaline.
We call it……
Well I don’t know –
This is a new kind of Soldier.
Not your Vietnam War kind of Soldier.
Not your Desert Storm 1991 kind of Soldier.
But the Nintendo-age, Generation-X, first person shooter
video game playing, digital uniform wearing,
terrorist fighting, engaging bad guys in the middle of the night,
New Age ostensible American Warrior.
He is a Dragoon!
Second Calvary Stryker Regiment
Interesting view Adrian...loved the end.
"Not your Vietnam War kind of Soldier.
Not your Desert Storm 1991 kind of Soldier.
But the Nintendo-age, Generation-X, first person shooter
video game playing, digital uniform wearing,
terrorist fighting, engaging bad guys in the middle of the night,
New Age ostensible American Warrior."
Magnificent lines - would love to hear them spoken aloud by the poet! (I still remember a Smokehouse Blues parking lot slam performance a few years back....) ;)
Hi, Adrian,
Loved this entry, as usual.
i'm adding the link to the Detroit Free Press article about your work for those looking to learn more about you.
best wishes,
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